Sunday, July 27, 2008

Addisyn- Days 6-9

6 days post op 7 days post op
8 days post op...this pic was taken after an hour long screaming fit...
9 days post op...check out the difference in her forehead and the top of her head...

Addisyn is continuing to do awesome! We can not believe the difference in her face everyday!!! I am so happy that the Dr. did not laser the top of her head so that I am able to compare the red on her face to the red on top of her head...Huge Difference! I am hoping that by the end of this week coming up she will be back to her red face self with no bruising and no Vaseline!!!

Her face is of course still going to be a shade of Red. It can take up to 6 weeks to see the true results of this first laser treatment but I am super excited for the outcome when we see such a difference already!

I wanted to note that if you look at the very last pic of her in the pic shirt with her hand by her mouth you can see the top of her head. Her face used to be the same color as the red on the top of her head...

I am going to continue taking pictures of Addisyn everyday however I probably won't post any new pictures until the end of the week.
One more thing...Addisyn is completely off of Phenobarbital now and is doing awesome! She is no rolling over constantly from her back to her tummy which is a huge improvement! Looking forward to her learning all kinds of new things...